Fish Diet



Before you introduce any pet to your home, it’s important that you know what kinds of food you should and shouldn’t feed it. This will include goldfish. Whether you won your goldfish at a carnival or you simply want a pet that is rather low-maintenance, it’s important to be aware […]

Guppy fish are exceptionally popular aquarium pets since they look stunning and are extremely easy to take care of. These friendly fish are quick to adjust to a new home and aren’t fussy eaters. However, as a Guppy owner, you may be wondering, like other fish breeds, whether Guppies eat […]


Guppies are known to have specific dietary requirements. Whether you are a beginner or an enthusiast, you might have a few questions regarding feeding on your mind. As an experienced fish owner, I have some really helpful tips to share with you. Can you feed your guppies goldfish food? It […]


Koi fish can make a great addition to your home pond. They are known for their fiercely loyal personalities, and also have the ability to recognize their owners. This might sound similar to our canine friends. If you’re lucky enough to have both dogs and koi, you know that you’ll […]


When a fish will eat anything what is the best food to feed them? Can koi fish eat cheerios? Yes, koi fish can eat cheerios, they love them. However, the cereal shouldn’t be a staple of their diet. Due to their fluctuating eating patterns, owners need to be precise when […]


Feeding koi fish is a beautiful and rewarding experience, seeing them glide up to you with their various colors ready to eat. What do koi fish eat? Koi fish will eat anything that is put in front of them from specialty food, human food, to whatever comes along in their […]

See also  Can Guppies Eat Betta Food? They Shouldn’t!

Koi are beautiful and highly coveted fish. They’re an elegant addition to any pond, but they cost a pretty penny. It’s only natural you’d want to keep your Koi in great shape. The best way to do this? Provide a nutritious diet. But, is one of our top superfoods, spinach, […]

There are a lot of goldfish owners out here that feed their fish breadcrumbs. This has been a popular thing to do for many years. If you own koi fish, you may be wondering whether they are able to enjoy a tasty snack of breadcrumbs too. So, can Koi eat […]


Koi are such heavy eaters during the summer that it might freak new owners out when their appetite starts to decrease into nothing during the winter. How long can koi fish go without food?  There are a lot of factors that contribute to how long your koi can go without […]

Guppies have an extensive diet range, and when it comes to food, they tend not to be choosy. Yes, they are a breed who just loves to eat! That’s why it’s quite common to find yourself in a situation where you just ran out of the “guppy food.” So, what […]

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