Fish Diet

Can Koi Fish Eat Bread? Why That Is A Bad Idea


There are a lot of goldfish owners out here that feed their fish breadcrumbs. This has been a popular thing ...

What Do Koi Fish Eat? The Ultimate Guide


Feeding koi fish is a beautiful and rewarding experience, seeing them glide up to you with their various colors ready ...

Can Koi Fish Eat Spinach? 4 Nutritional Benefits Explained


Koi are beautiful and highly coveted fish. They’re an elegant addition to any pond, but they cost a pretty penny. ...

Can Koi Fish Eat Cheerios?


When a fish will eat anything what is the best food to feed them? Can koi fish eat cheerios? Yes, ...

Can Guppies Eat Bread? Bad Idea!


We’ve all seen it. You’re out on a sunny day, and notice people crowded around a pond feeding bread to ...

What To Feed Guppies When Out Of Food?


What can you feed your guppies if you’re out of fish food? Guppies can survive without food for two weeks. ...

10 Human Foods You Can Feed Your Goldfish + 6 Foods To Avoid


Before you introduce any pet to your home, it’s important that you know what kinds of food you should and ...

Can Koi Fish Eat Dog Food? Why This Is A Bad Idea


Koi fish can make a great addition to your home pond. They are known for their fiercely loyal personalities, and ...

Can Guppies Eat Betta Food? They Shouldn’t!


Guppies have an extensive diet range, and when it comes to food, they tend not to be choosy. Yes, they ...

Can Guppies Eat Brine Shrimp? Why It’s Awesome!


Guppy fish are exceptionally popular aquarium pets since they look stunning and are extremely easy to take care of. These ...

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