Aquarium Fishes Taking Over Social Media- The Latest Viral Species

As an aquarium hobbyist with over 7 years of fishkeeping experience, I’ve noticed some interesting trends in viral aquarium fish species on social media lately. Brightly colored and unique freshwater fish like bettas and pufferfish seem to be gaining immense popularity, while unusual marine creatures like mandarinfish and pygmy seahorses are also capturing people’s attention. Read below about “Aquarium Fishes Taking Over Social Media- The Latest Viral Species”.

In this article, I’ll share my insider perspective on some of the most viral aquarium fish taking over social media currently, along with some care tips from my years of experience for those interested in getting these species.

Aquarium Fishes Taking Over Social Media- The Latest Viral Species

Betta Fish – The Iconic Social Media Darling

It’s no surprise that betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are amongst the most popular aquarium fish on social media. Their vibrant colors, showy fins, and unique personalities make them very photogenic. As a long time betta keeper myself, I’ve had several bettas over the years with names like ‘Blue’, ‘Scarlet’, and ‘Neptune’ become stars of my Instagram and TikTok when I’ve shared photos and videos of them.

What makes bettas go viral is that they come in a huge variety of spectacular tail types and color patterns. Just when you think you’ve seen the prettiest betta, another jaw-dropping one pops up on your feed! Some of the most viral betta tail types I’ve seen lately include halfmoon, rosetail, crowntail, and the recent trending double tail betta.

While their beauty makes them extremely popular, bettas need specialized care that new owners often overlook. They require heated, filtered tanks of at least 5 gallons by themselves as they are aggressive towards other bettas. I house my bettas in planted 10 gallon tanks to allow them to truly thrive. I feed them a mix of live, frozen and high quality pelleted foods. With proper care, these little characters can live for over 5 years!

Pufferfish – The Cute and Quirky Social Media Fad

Alongside bettas, various pufferfish species have been exploding on social media recently. Their big eyes, chubby bodies, and playful personalities make them very amusing to watch. It’s no wonder that videos of the tiny pea puffer and larger green spotted puffer interacting with their owners garner millions of views and shares!

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As someone who’s kept multiple pufferfish over time, I find their quirky behaviors and ability to recognize their owners as rewarding as any cute furry pet. My green spotted puffer, ‘Nibbles’ would get excited when she saw me approach and even let me hand feed or pet her!

However, pufferfish have very specific care needs that must be met to keep them healthy long-term. They are carnivorous and require frequent feedings of snails, shellfish or crustaceans along with vitamin supplements. Puffers also need pristine water conditions, achieved by overfiltering and frequent partial water changes.


Though tiny pea puffers only reach 1 inch, they are very territorial for their size and should be kept species only. My green spotted puffer grew to a whopping 6 inches and needed a large 50 gallon tank to accommodate her adult size. Doing thorough research before getting any pufferfish is crucial to success.

Mandarinfish – The Viral Marine Species

While freshwater species dominate aquarium trends, some saltwater fish have also been making waves on social media – especially the jewel-toned mandarinfish. Their bright colors and tiny size make them very attention grabbing. Mandarins gliding gracefully through coral reef tanks rack up impressive view counts.

As a marine aquarist since the past 3 years, I was entranced by photos of these fish when I first ventured into saltwater fishkeeping. I’ll admit I did impulsively purchase a mandarin as my third saltwater fish, but quickly realized they are extremely challenging for beginners!

Through firsthand experience, I now know mandarinfish need well established tanks with plenty of copepod populations to graze on constantly or they will starve. They are also very sensitive to water parameters and easily stressed. I ended up moving my mandarin to my friend’s mature 150 gallon SPS coral dominated tank where he is finally thriving under her expert care.

Now when newcomers to the marine hobby ask me about mandarins, I make sure to explain they are best left to advanced aquarists. I steer beginners towards more hardy species like clownfish instead which have similar vibrant colors but much easier care requirements.

Pygmy Seahorses – A Viral Sensation

Other marine creatures that have been creating a splash on social media are the tiny pygmy seahorses that inhabit coral reefs. Their miniscule size and ability to camouflage seamlessly into seafans, coral and sea grass blows people’s minds and captures attention.

During my last snorkeling trip to the Caribbean islands, I was awestruck to spot multiple teeny tiny pygmy seahorses perfectly camouflaged in fields of sea grass and coral rubble! It took sharp eyes and patience to notice them. Being able to observe them magnified in marine tanks on Instagram and TikTok has further spread the wonder of these magical creatures to the non-diving masses.

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However, like mandarinfish, pygmy seahorses collected from the wild do very poorly in home aquariums. They require expert care with just the right species of coral hosts and plankton to feed on constantly. After seeing them thriving in the ocean myself, I now advocate that pygmy seahorses are best appreciated in their natural habitat through ecotourism like snorkeling safaris rather than removing them to place in aquariums.

Viral Aquarium Fish Can Lead to Impulse Purchases

As an experienced fishkeeper and aquarium hobby social media influencer, I want to end this article by encouraging responsible and informed buying decisions. The popularity of these viral fish can spur impulse purchases from beginners dazzled by photos and videos shared online. Get all about Aquarium Fishes Taking Over Social Media- The Latest Viral Species.

Yet the reality of caring for these species properly over their full lifespan is far more complex. Each fish has precise needs around tank size, water parameters, diet and tank mates. Lacking this specialized husbandry can lead to illness, suffering and premature death – outcomes that no ethical fishkeeper wants.


So while these trending aquarium fish make for gorgeous social media posts, make sure you thoroughly research their needs through credible sources before acquiring them. Their beauty and wow factor online should not override making a well-planned commitment you can deliver on. Feel free to DM me if you need any guidance! Spreading accurate pet care information is a passion of mine so we can make the aquarium hobby safer for the incredible creatures that bring us so much joy. I hope you like reading “Aquarium Fishes Taking Over Social Media- The Latest Viral Species”.

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