Can You Keep One Angelfish In A 10-Gallon Tank?

angelfish-10-gallon-4766942What size of tank do you need if you want to get an Angelfish? For each Angelfish you own, you will need at least 10 gallons of water. If you have a pair of Angelfish, the recommendation is that you double that size and add another ten gallons.

Angelfish can grow to be at least six inches in length. They’re big fish – they’re going to need lots of room to move around in the tank. Obviously, the more fish you have, the bigger the tank you will need.

A general rule of thumb is to not go with the smallest fish tank you absolutely need. If you have a pair of fish, they want to have their own space or they might start fighting. Did you know that the shape matters too? Read on to find out more.

How big does the fish tank need to be?

You’ve settled on an Angelfish as your pet. Now you need to make sure you have the right home for it. There are four main things to consider:

1. How many fish you want to put into the tank; 2. The size of the tank, or how much water it can hold; 3. The shape of the tank, rectangle, round, etc.; and

4. How many decorations you want to put in the tank.

When talking about the size of the fish tank for your Angelfish, you need to consider more than the amount of water the tank can hold. While the ideal amount of water is 10 gallons for one fish (or roughly 38 litres), you have to add more water if you have more fish.

Another way to figure it out is to go by a simple guideline which stipulates that for every inch in length your fish is you need two gallons of water.

You’re Angelfish will grow to be about six inches, if not more, so you’ll want to calculate on what size they can be. So, doing the math, one fish with six inches of length will need 12 gallons of water. Two Angelfish will need a minimum of 24 gallons.

Angelfish can share their home with other species of fish, but remember one Angelfish needs 10 gallons of water. If you purchase a pair, you’ll have to double the size and add some more. Add in the other species of fish and you may require an even bigger tank.

Make sure you do the research for all of the fish. Different species require different amounts of water. If you don’t look into all of the information, you may have stressed out Angelfish that don’t do very well.

Why we recommend having more than 10 Gallon per Angelfish

1. Decorations take up space

You’re going to want to consider what flora and decorations you are adding to the tank. Will your plants be live or plastic? How much space will they take up?

Every item you add to the aquarium takes up more space, which means less space for the water and the fish.

Here are some items that you may want for your fish tank:

  • Something to cover the bottom of the tank, like gravel, stones, crushed coral or sand;
  • Plants, real or plastic (make sure you do the research on these);
  • Fun decorations like Dory or Nemo statues;
  • Water Filtration System; and
  • Heater for the water.
See also  12 Amazing Bottom-Dwelling Fish For A 10-Gallon Tank

If you buy a 10-gallon tank and put a whole bunch of decorations and plants in there, plus a filter system, chances are you aren’t getting 10 gallons of water in there. You’re going to be shorting your fish some much-needed space.

Your fish will also have to navigate the clutter. You won’t see their pretty colors nearly as much as you’d like to.

2. Your Angelfish may not thrive if they don’t have enough water

The more water you have in the tank, the safer it will be for your fish unless you plan to change the water quite often.

With every fish there is waste. That food has to go somewhere, right? It might sound gross, but yes, they are pooping and peeing in that tank. The more water there is for the fish, the more diluted the waste will be. This makes the tank cleaner and less prone to disease for your pets.

The more fish you put into a small space, the higher the waste to water ratio will be. Make sure that you follow the guidelines on the amount of water for your fish, or you may end up with disease-ridden little fellows who aren’t going to make it.

3. Angelfish pairs are territorial and will need more space

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you have two or more Angelfish and two of them decide to pair up, they will get territorial. They’ll want their space for their babies and will not hesitate to defend it.

So, if you don’t provide enough space for the Angelfish, and extra for their buddies, you’re going to end up with some fights on your hands.

4. Cleaning will be easier!

Having more water in the tank is also more convenient for cleaning it. Ideally, you’re cleaning your tank bi-weekly. If you’d like to go longer, get a bigger tank. The more room there is, the lower the waste to water ratio will be.

You’ll get to spend more time enjoying your fish, rather than cleaning up after them.

5. More room for big personalities

Also, fish have different personalities, just like humans. Even if we’re living with people that we get along with, sometimes we need some extra space from them. Your Angelfish are going to feel the same way.

Try to give them enough room that they don’t have to be in each other’s faces the whole time.

What’s the best tank shape for Angelfish?

Don’t forget to think about the shape of the tank, too. It’s possible to have a 10-gallon tank that is too shallow for an Angelfish, like this one, even though it’s well suited for others. But with a height of 7.1 inches, it’s not going to comfortably fit an Angelfish.

Remember, Angelfish can grow to six inches in length, sometimes more. If you have a tank that shallow, your fish won’t be able to swim up or down. Get your fish a nice hexagonal tank, though, and they’ll be able to stretch their fins out quite a bit more.

There are also tanks that are narrow and tall. These will also not work well if you’re fish reach their potential size. The thin tank won’t allow them to turn around easily, and it will be even more congested with the decorations on the bottom.

Your fish need a big space to move around in.

The shape matters for all sizes of tanks whether it’s 10 gallons or 55 gallons. The height of the tank will determine whether it will work for your Angelfish or not.

We explain everything you need to know about tank shapes and tank size for angelfish in this article!

Can I just use tap water to fill the tank?

Angelfish are originally from the Amazon River. The water there is soft, warm and has a gentle current. The water from your tap is probably not going to be the same.

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When getting a fish, you’re going to want to get your water checked out if that’s what you’re going to use. Some things I recommend you consider are:

  • The dGH level, or how hard the water is;
  • What is your tap water treated with, for example, Chlorine; and
  • The pH level, or acidity, of the water.

Ideally, the water coming out of your tap is potable, meaning you can drink with it or cook with it. If you’re in a community where potable water isn’t a guarantee, I’d go with something different, like distilled water. Ask the pet store staff which is best.

The dGH level of your water can play a role in how well your fish do. Angelfish prefer a dGH level of 0.6 to 2. The recommended hardness of water in Canada is between 4.4 to about 5.5.

Some communities have a hardness level of over 11 dGH. So before you turn on the tap water, you’re going to want to check the hardness levels.

Rather than hire someone to do the testing for you, you can purchase your own test kit here.

There are also many chemicals added to our tap water to make it safe for human consumption. While that’s great for us, it’s not necessarily so great for your fish. Chlorine, nitrates, ammonia and other chemicals can cause significant problems for your finned pets.

Finally, there is the pH level that you need to consider for your fish. This pH level tells you how high the acidity in your water is.

Angelfish prefer an acidity level between 6.5 and 6.9. To put this in perspective, Canada’s guidelines for pH levels range from 6.5 to 8.5. If you want to look into the pH level of your water, get this test kit as it is a 5 in 1 tester.

Keeping all of those things in mind, if you do want to use tap water, you’re probably going to have to look into products you can use to regulate these levels in your tank water.

What other types of fish can I have with the Angelfish?

Some fish work together and some don’t. Angelfish are no exception to this rule.

It can be hard to predict the behavior of each fish. Like people, they may have a different temperament than the average of their species. When you’re introducing new fish to the tank, watch them for a bit to make sure they get along.

Angelfish can be placed with several different species of fish and do well with them. Your best bet is to ask at the pet store. They’ll know which fish will work together.

If you’re still in your planning stage and want to get a general idea, you can check out this handy chart. After doing some research you can ask educated questions and help narrow down your search.

Angelfish belong to the cichlid family of fish, which contains over 2,000 different species. They are peaceful fish, only prone to aggression during feeding and breeding times. If you get them some tetra neighbors or some nice bottom feeders they will work out fine.

You’ll want to watch that you don’t get fish that are aggressive or even kind of aggressive. These kinds can stress your poor Angelfish out and cause problems in the tank. Especially any fish that likes to nip at fins.

The Tiger Barb fish is one that often causes issues because it will nip at the long, elegant fins of the Angelfish.

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