8 Reasons Why Your Goldfish Are Hiding All Of A Sudden

We all know that goldfish love to play and exercise. Sometimes, they like to swim and hide in the plants or other toys that you have placed in the tank for them. But some people might have noticed that their goldfish are starting to hide all of a sudden, which naturally is something to … Read more

3 Vital Reasons Why Koi Fish Need A Pump

Koi fishes thrive in a pond as it can accommodate their size as well as provide an environment that will make it easy for them to breed. But do koi fish need a pump? You might think that since an outdoor pond is a natural set up, the oxygen will be enough for your … Read more

Do Koi Fish Bite? Do They Bite Humans? Other Fish?

Koi fish are easily one of the most popular fish breeds. They enjoy being fed by hand and they are fiercely loyal to their owners. But when these fish get older, their mouths get notoriously large, which means that they could nip your fingers if you get too close. But is this something you … Read more

Betta Fish

In the wild, betta fishes are found in shallow waters like floodplains, rice paddies, and canals. So one might think that using artificial lights in their aquarium may not be too good for them. But, are betta fish sensitive to light? And if they are, what are the effects? Betta […] Betta fishes are … Read more

5 Reasons Why Your Guppies Hanging Around The Filter

It isn’t hard to see why guppies are one of the most popular types of fish to own. They are inexpensive, low maintenance, and fun to watch. The reason they’re so fun to watch? They have quirky personalities. They are active and social but sometimes have strange behaviors. One common bizarre guppy action is … Read more

How To Calm Your Turtle Down

So, you have an unfriendly pet turtle that’s skittish in the tank and nervous in your presence. What’s going on, and what can you do to calm your reptile down? Restless turtles that just moved into a new tank need time to get used to their new environment. Turtles that are naturally skittish and … Read more

Do Red-Eared Sliders Like To Be Held?

As devoted pet owners, we love our turtles and want to enjoy handling them. But of course, we hope that our pets feel comfortable and safe when we spend time together. So, do Red-Eared Sliders like to be held?  Red-Eared Sliders are not affectionate and do not enjoy being held. Handling excessively or with … Read more

12 Amazing Bottom-Dwelling Fish For A 10-Gallon Tank

Now that you have purchased a 10-gallon tank, you need to think about its inhabitants, and how you will make that corner of your house interesting, which was previously occupied by your grandmother’s coat stand. To have a well-rounded ecosystem in your 10-gallon tank, you need to have all sorts of colorful fish that … Read more

Are Guppies Aggressive? Facts And Solutions

Guppies are beautiful dainty fish, but how well do they do with others? Are guppies aggressive? Guppies are not viewed as an inherently aggressive fish. They live peacefully with those in their tank and their species. They are however playful with one another and might chase each other around the tank now and then. … Read more